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Monthly Archives: March 2015

Freestyle – Spoken Work

Check out what I have been working on…putting poetry to music.

The Lyrics: 

V1: There is a dark cloud hovering us
In which we need to feed each other with love and trust
But what we cannot do is look back
Look back to the sad, crying and dying times
We need to stick together to form a unity, make a line

A line that we can’t cross
A line that shows us how we got lost
Through all of this mayhem, through the fights
Through these sleepless hours, through the terrifying nights
I still love you

V2: Let’s make a change, something that we can gain
Because in order to see a rainbow
There’s no sunshine without the rain
We must think clearly
And change our reactions
I know you care
That’s why I speak with so much passion

What we did let us forget
Because tomorrow is a new day that we haven’t seen yet
Am sorry for how things turned out
Am sorry if I brought this dark cloud
Am sorry for what ive done
Just remember that I still love you, my number one

V3: Thank you for listening to what I have to say
Thank you for telling me that you are okay
Because I was worried about you
That you didn’t want to hear me out
I thought that you didn’t love me anymore
I thought that you wanted to end this chapter
Close the door
But I can now see in your eyes that you just want more

More love from me
More trust, more honesty
More heart, more respect
Which you felt you weren’t getting yet
Just remember that I still love, you my pet

V4: As the dark cloud drifts by
I now see why it was hovering us
Making sure we understood that
We got to fight for this love
There should be no shade between us only light
So let me take your hand and show you the person I am

I know that it will be work
And it’s not going to be very easy
But through these steps you will see a change
Just look back at the progress that we have gained

Just remember that I still love you, my one and only, my true love, my best friend.

This describes you:

Your presence is a beauty.
A shining star cannot compare.
What words can describe you.
This dream can only be true.
The love greater than no other.
The passion brought with you makes my life complete.
With you never is not a word.
The feeling when I see you.
My heart starts beating fast.
I just got to make sure this thing will last.
You are not living in my past. In the future, this moment will be remembered
Remember the good times we had.
With you I see happiness
Love has been brought to me.
Because I can see you and you see me
Your love is underestimated.
My wish was granted through you
You haven’t forgotten me yet
Describing you…..
That’s is something I don’t regret


Check out my website because am awesome

March Show – Out Of The Box

If You Love Liverpool. And the music from there then you would love the radio show Out Of The Box !!!

Listen to our March show and let me know what you think !!

ENJOY !!!!


When the time comes you will know,
You will hold on to something and never let go.
Leaving all your bad time behind,
Putting yourself in front of the line,
Making sure you are a leader,
Making sure you’re a winner, a believer.
No matter what gets in your way you know that you will be fine
Because you are who you are,
You don’t want to change for anyone
Because you know that you are someone.
Thinking that everyone is on your side but they just lied,
Hold your head up with pride
Let them know nothing can put you down
Because you are a fighter.

A Lover’s Prayer

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Another collaboration by Eileen Tekyi and Patricia Travis

P: a lovers prayer
is somewhat rare

E: It comes from people who care
Also from people who know the meaning of love

P: Its really a gift form God who reigns above
it gives you inner peace like a dove

E: Through a lovers prayer brings so much power
In which only one can desire
P: sentiments that truly showers
also can relight any small fire

E: A lover’s prayer is somewhat rare
It should be handled with much care
As it comes from a place deep down in our hearts
where we keep out emotional scars

P: A lover’s prayer is somewhat rare
it climbs higher like Heavens stair
it clings on forever just like the start
its embrace speaks like a poet who eloquently imparts