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Step Back

the pain and suffering that I’m in

Well, let’s begin…
I’ll start by saying
I hate you
But I love you
I can’t stand you
But I still need you
I close my eyes and see you
I fucking hate it
Cause it’s not the real you
It is my version of you
The dream you
But it’s not you
It’s all the factors that I want to be true
Its everything
But it’s not you
Let me take a step
Let me see all of you
Is that you?

Leap Year

Yes, I think I can remember
It was in September
If I can recall
We weren’t talking
I tried to reach out
But I was afraid
Of what you might say
Would you know who it was
Would you have wanted it to be me
Would you have wanted to meet
Meet with me
We have a lot of making up to do
Let’s meet
This year
The Leap Year
29th February
Let us set a date
Let us write it in our diary
Let us make one last memory
Let us laugh until it is cautious
Let us express ourselves until we are motionless
Let us plan our lives out
Let go
Just don’t say no
It is a leap year
Who knows when we will see each other again
It is a leap year
Just think about it, my dear old friend


Cheers to 2024

Cheers to everything and so much more 

Cheers to achieving goals and working on my passion 

Cheers to the all-mighty creator,

Jesus Christ who art in heaven 

Cheers to the never-ending smiles

Cheers to getting what I want and never waiting a while

Cheers to the problems that would only make me stronger 

Cheers LOVE. Being hopeful that it lasts forever

Cheer to ME you won’t find anything better

Cheer to the good and bad times this year will offer 

Cheers to 2024 

Cheers to each other and everything and so much more 

She’s got love

Love means everything 

Everything and more

The passion 

The desire 

Not many people get to endure 

Your love helps her

Helps her rise to the top

The best is yet to come

Like a warm summer breeze 

Like the hot chocolate at winter

It’s a need 

It’s a must

It’s a drug

It’s something she will never give up

I guess we got that type of love.

That love that you just never give up

That’s what he’s got

That’s what she’s got 

I guess he has been hitting the right point 

She’s got all the luck 

God I wish I was her


Yes her

I wish I was her so much 

She’s got what I don’t have

She got love

Let me see your face 

Let me see what you are wearing

Let me see how dearing you can be 

Let me see if you can guess the next move

Let me what you can do

Let me see the true you 

Who are you, actually

Are you living your life naturally 

Let me see

Show the world what you are about 

Instead of running your mouth 

Let them haters see what you are talking about 

Open your eyes and keep your head up 

Don’t close your eyes 

You might miss out on something 

Let me see your face 

I know you are up to something 

The world is watching

Don’t Hang Up

I’m not doing this cause I want to
I’m doing this cause I need to do it
They all have let me down
Plenty of times
Now I have to save myself
Yes, saving me
That’s all that matters
That’s what matters
You know I tried
Everything was in place
Then boom!
The bomb exploded

My life turned into pieces
But some pieces have gone missing
I was wondering if you saw it
Did you walk past it when you walked in
Do you think I can get another piece
A new piece
Would that fix the situation?

Who should I call
As I don’t have the answers
Maybe you would find a piece that was hidden
Or maybe there’s a reason why it’s hidden
Maybe its to show that people are broken
Those missing parts are not worth fixing
Maybe it’s a sign
That life is not worth living

I’m just telling you this cause you are still here
You have stuck around
You didn’t hang up
When you felt like giving up
You listened
Maybe you could stick around
Maybe you could help me
Lord knows I need fixing
Because today I feel broken

Life is hard

I tried so hard
Like so hard
I give and I give
But everything seems to fall apart
Everything seems to fail
Its time to set sail
I need to jump on a different mission
I just want to get off this one
I know what I’m owned
You tried to take that away from me
Now I want what is mine
What is mine, is mine
Not yours
I never said you could take it
I didn’t even ask for you to hold it
I feel stronger than I did yesterday
So I want everything back
I want my life back
Life isn’t fair
But it shouldn’t be this hard
But what I’ve gone through has made me better
I now feel good enough
Thankfully I believe in myself
Well starting now

To all the people with bruises
To all the people with scars
Life isn’t fair
Life is hard
But just remember
One can always stand up
& try to reach for the stars
Life isn’t fair
That’s why we got to work hard

Grown Mans Cry

You beat me down
When I try to get up, you look away
You don’t want to see the pay you cause
Is this the price that I have to pay
Life was meant to be easy
But with you in
Life is hard
Especially with all your scars
Each one has their own story
Filled with heartache and misery
It’s part of my history

victory is mine

nothing is going to stop me
I have always been a fighter
Do you think you could break me
try harder
I’m always ready for a fight
you need to start working on yourself
if you want to reach my level
you would not be able to grow
if you just stay neutral
think about that for second
take your time with it
I ain’t stressing
go and live your best life
and keep it moving
I am doing what I can
that’s why I will always stay growing

Good Times

feeling good
that’s one of the best feelings
but it has a hidden meaning
I need to stop fighting
and start living
thankfully I have a God who is so forgiven
he even stopped me from sinning
I don’t know about you
but I call that living
so cheers
cheers to us still dreaming
cheers to finding things worth believing
cheers to us
how lucky are we to have this feeling